How To Write The Ultimate Sales Page in 7 Easy Steps…
Procrastination will end you.
Do you find yourself delaying the very thing that will bring people to your business?
Are you avoiding the very thing you NEED to do by…
suddenly cleaning the garage after 10 years, rearranging your wardrobe or, painting the house?
Apparently, it’s called ‘displacement activities’
You know…being busy with busyness…and not business!
Simply avoiding important tasks related to growing your business will only make things worse and increase your anxiety, right?
Of course, tackling thorny problems is never easy…
Some tasks are inherently scary (nay terrifying) such as,
cold phone calls…
important pitches to high-profile clients…
and the big one…
Writing the perfect Sales Page to sell your product or service!
Do you suffer from creative paralysis?
Symptoms include…
- You avoid important tasks
- Your mind seems stuck, dull, or empty
- You stare at a blank computer screen
Yes, creative paralysis affects us all but, there is a solution.
Movement…doing…get going!
But how do you get moving if you feel paralyzed?
You get going with the small easy stuff first…
This creates momentum…almost like a train or a car.
The most energy is used when starting something, right?
But once it gets going…once you get going…what happens?
You start getting tasks done, work seems easier and you lose track of time.
And this is why I’ve decided to write this post
How To Write The Ultimate Sales Page in 7 Easy Steps.
It’s designed to give you the momentum you’ve been looking for,
get the creative juices flowing when thinking about how to sell your next big idea.
You can use this when writing your web copy, running email campaigns, on social media ads or post, for product descriptions…the list goes on and on and on.
Now you’ll be able to understand and write more powerful and, compelling copy in no time.
So when you’re ready, let’s begin…
STEP 1: Identify Your Ideal
This is the most important part before you start writing.
First, you need to truly understand who your ideal customer is.
The way to find your ideal customer involves three things:
1. Your ideal customer should have an actual need for your product
or service.
2. They should have the ability to buy your product.
3. They should have the authority (decision-making power) to buy
your product or service.
If you’re going to spend a month working on your copy or campaign, you should spend at least, 2-3 weeks just doing the research before you write a single word.
Contrary to what you might’ve heard…
Your customer is actually the marketing genius.
Unfortunately, it’s not you, it’s not industry experts and it’s definitely not advertising agencies.
Your customer will tell you everything you need to know.
A powerful but simple strategy is to set up a time to talk to some of your best customers.
And what do you ask these customers?
Here are 10 Questions To, Discover Your Buyer’s Behavior
1. Before you did business with our company, what problems have
you gone through?
2. What have you tried in the past?
3. What didn’t work?
4. Why didn’t it work for you?
5. What kind of solutions are you looking for?
6. Why did you choose us?
7. Why have you stayed with us?
8. Can you tell me more about this?
9. What do you feel?
10. How does that affect your family?
A brilliant idea is to get their permission to record their feedback.
You can use any recording device to do this including your phone. Then transcribe the audio from that conversation and, use the information in your written copy (more on this later).
But for now, never forget…
The best copy you’ll ever produce will, come directly from your customer’s feedback.
No more guessing…now you simply ask.
Your customer wants assurance that, your product or service can help them solve their problem.
If you can show them this in your copy, then the sale is as good as yours. The amount of money you make is in direct proportion to how well you understand your customer.
One of the main reasons why businesses fail is that entrepreneurs or business owners get excited about an idea, widget, or invention, then take it to a marketplace where there is no actual need for it.
They fail to realize that nobody actually cares for their product or service. This is because they don’t understand their ideal customer.
Remember that not everybody can be your ideal customer. Even big companies serve different demographics.
It’s especially important for small or medium-sized businesses to narrow down their target audience, so the message can be more personalized.
Ideally, when you show your offer to your prospects and they read your ad, the reaction you want is them asking
“How can I buy this?”
Any sign of them making any payment on your website means that you have something that works.
Don’t just listen to what they say, watch what they do,
People vote with their wallets!
Download your free customer persona here.
STEP 2: Create an Irresistible Offer
One of the most important steps in the entire sales copywriting formula is to have a compelling offer.
Don’t make the ONE mistake many businesses make…sounding exactly like everybody else.
And, when they try to be ‘different’ or ‘unique’, their offering is usually cheaper or ‘better than the competitor’.
These offers are not very compelling.
Think about how you can make your offer truly irresistible.
Think about what it is that your target audience really wants, what they’re craving or, what are their major frustrations.
Find out why they’re sick and tired.
Because, when you do come out with an offer that irresistible…
you’ll struggle to keep up with the demand (and that’s a good problem to have).
Selling money at a discount is a great irresistible offer.
This is where you make an offer that helps your target audience make money, save money or invest.
So something like…
Spend $5,000 on my real estate course and then I’ll show you exactly how to generate $10,000 a month in rental income.
If you’re selling physical products, then there are many ways to make a compelling offer such as…
- a free 30-day trial
- a strong guarantee
- faster shipping or bonuses etc
You know you’ve made an irresistible offer when the prospect goes straight, to calling your toll-free number or checking out to purchase.
Create an offer that is so irresistible…logic goes out of the window.
STEP 3: List Every Feature And
Now that you’ve got the offer, list every single possible thing that the buyer would get and would benefit from your product or service.
Mention every feature, even if it seems minor to you.
Keep in mind that there’s a big difference between feature and benefit.
A feature describes what something is.
A benefit describes what it can do for you.
For example:
Think about a drill.
The features are things like a solid grip, 5 different settings or it’s blue and green in color.
The benefit is…it can make a hole.
I usually use the “So What Test” when trying to figure out what’s the REAL benefits of something.
You might be thinking, why are benefits so important?
Let’s go back to the drill example. Who really wants to own a drill? Nobody…Nobody wants to own a drill.
However, people do want to make holes, saving them time, energy and, a big mess. That’s why someone would buy a drill.
Just remember…people buy based on benefits.
Anyway…Back to the ‘So What’ test.
Brainstorm from all angles. Think about every possible user and customer that can benefit from your offer in different ways.
List all the features of your product or service. then use the
‘So What’ Test to uncover the hidden benefits of what you’re trying to sell.
You can also refer to this list for value benefit-driven statements. This is great for creating bullet points and headlines later on.
Once you have the features and benefits, you can go deeper by exploring the concept called the ‘benefit behind the benefit’.
This refers to that one thing or emotion you can trigger,
when your customer buys a specific product or service.
Think about what you’re REALLY selling.
For the drill example, are you selling a drill?…or are you selling speed and a time saver?
Uncover the benefit behind the benefit and you’ll be able to sell anything.
STEP 4: Grab Attention With a
Killer Headline
Get the headline right and you’ve basically made the sale.
Tip: Always write multiple headlines. The more headlines you write the better.
One of the best places to learn about how to write a good headline is at the grocery store.
Pay attention to the checkout stands where you can see gossip or tabloid magazines. Those magazines have some of the best headlines in the world because of how well they grab your attention.
Study these magazines and you’ll soon discover, they actually just recycle the same headlines every year.
When you compare the March issue to last year’s March issue, you can see the pattern. It’s the same formula again and again because it works.
No business runs the same headline, over and over again if it doesn’t work.
Now, there are many headline formulas however, I’ve found the 4 U’s to be EXTREMELY effective when thinking about writing any headline.
Here they are…
Create Urgency
The last thing you want your reader to do is, put off reading your article, advert or, sales letter, right?
So, add urgency into your copy, it’ll nudge them to click, open or read…now!
Use power words.
Words like Today, Quick and Now, will make them feel that they could be missing out on something if…they don’t act immediately.
Be Unique
Our brains love new things.
So, write in a way that’s new, fresh and surprising. Something like…
Introducing RedBushed Iced Tea: The ONLY iced tea in the WORLD that has only two ingredients. Don’t believe us…try it!
Be Useful
Offering a seductive benefit is a sure-fire way to stop your target audience dead in their tracks!
However, the benefit must be helpful and useful to your target audience. Something like…
4 Simple Ways to Work Anywhere and Accomplish Everything
Be Ultra Specific
People want to know what they’re going to get out of reading something. And the more specific your headline is, the more likely your copy will be read. For instance…
Our company generated $2315 in 3 hours by simply selling red keyrings in car magazines.
Remember the Golden Rule of any headline.
The ONLY purpose of a headline is to get your target audience to read the first sentence of your body copy.
STEP 5: Address All Objections.
People are more skeptical and demanding than ever before.
That means your business needs to operate on such a level that, there’s absolutely no doubt in your buyer’s mind that you’re the REAL deal.
So, one way to do this is to raise your credibility.
For instance:
- Does your company have a long history of being in business?
- What reviews have happy customers given you in the past?
- Do you have Case studies to show new prospects?
- Do you have a product backed by peer-reviewed scientific
You’ve got to use everything you possibly can because, people will be skeptical unless you address and can pre-empt their objections.
Now it’s easy to answer objections in person or over the phone, right? But you also HAVE to answers the questions that come up, in the minds of your buyer when you write your copy.
You do this by injecting as many stats and testimonials as you can, so that you establish your authority, in the hearts and minds of your potential buyer.
Think back to the early days when infomercials dominated television. Most successful infomercials contained chunks of testimonials.
Sometimes you have infomercials where the entire thing is basically a personal story.
Take note of this powerful principle…
What other people say about you is infinitely more powerful than what you can say about yourself.
Even if you talk about your key features and benefits, it’s much more effective when your customers, are praising you with positive reviews such as:
• “This is great!”
• “This has helped me solve my main problems…”
• “This changed my life.”
Having testimonials is a great advantage for you, but are you collecting testimonials from your customers?
Btw…how many testimonials are enough?
As many as you can get. You want to have thousands.
You need to be actively building up your ‘credibility vault’ by constantly asking for testimonials. Don’t be afraid to ask.
If your customers are happy, ask them for testimonials, case studies, endorsements, lengthy recommendations, or anything else that you can use. Use everything!
Another effective technique is to create a list of customer objections and turn them into a FAQ page. Think about all of the objections your customer has that’s stopping them from buying from you.
Then turn these concerns into a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page or email. Its purpose is not to answer technical questions, but to demolish objections.
For example:
Q: How do I know this works? What if it doesn’t work?
A: Don’t worry. Every single product that we have is backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you try it and you don’t like it, you can send it back within 30 days.
STEP 6: Compare Apples
With Oranges
This means that when you’re selling something to a person, before they make a purchase, you’re not just selling them the benefit,
you’re also selling against something.
It should lead your prospect to think, “If I buy this, I’m going to lose that.”
For example:
If you’re selling an expensively priced item at $10,000, maybe it’s a high-end accounting and financial planning package, you might be met with resistance.
The customer’s thought process would be something like,
“I don’t know if I want to spend $10,000 on this.
It’s a lot of money. Most people could do this for way less or free. Why should I pay you $10,000?”
They would have a lot of objections in their mind.
So you overcome that by comparing apples to oranges.
When you have nothing to compare, they will come up with their own comparison, so compare for them.
For example:
You can reply to that objection with, “Looking at your business, last year you paid $327,000 in taxes. By investing $10,000 with our tax accounting package, is going to save you $125,000.”
When you make that comparison, the $10,000 won’t look so expensive anymore because, they’re thinking about the excess they paid in taxes. “If this can help me save $125,000 in taxes, spending $10,000 is a no-brainer.”
When you compare apples to oranges, it’s easier to feel like something is within their reach.
STEP 7: Call To Action
Now that you’ve done all of this work with research, making a headline, done branding, creating FAQ, and packaged the offer, at the end…
How do you want your buyer to move forward?
By clicking on a specific link?
Buying right now?
Booking a call?
Visiting your office?
Setting up an appointment?
Whatever it is, you have to make it clear and simple to do.
People love to procrastinate, so you need to be extremely precise.
Unless there’s a reason to act, most people procrastinate. If you don’t give them a reason with some sense of urgency to act now, people don’t act.
Here are a few ways to get them to act right now:
Use limited time
Use limited quantities
Create exclusive items
Explain that the price will increase after a certain date
Whatever it is, you need to give them a reason to buy right now.
Bonus Tip: Offer a Bonus
No, I’m not trying to be funny.
But by simply sweetening your deal, usually gives the final
’subtle push’ to getting those wallets flying wide open.
Bonuses could be anything that is relevant to your business and what you think the prospect will actually want, like:
- 2 for 1 Special
- Get additional reports, templates, and more (valued at $1000)
- 75% OFF if you order now!
Go wild, get creative, and give your buyer something unexpected but that you will truly value.
Yes, I know that all this info can seem overwhelming at first.
However, I hope you no longer suffer from creative paralysis when it comes to writing your next grand idea.
But, I have a confession.
I have left out probably the most important info that could be a
MASSIVE TIME SAVER and investment for your business…
What is it?
Don’t write your sales page at all…get someone else to do it for you!
Look anyone can DIY their house…fix their own car and…write their own Sales Page.
Will it be better than if you got a professional to do it?
It most certainly can be…then you probably don’t need a professional because you’re the pro!…nice one.
But for most of us mortals, get someone else to do it.
Get us to do your copywriting for you!
And if you’re a bit skeptical (you should be)…
here’s what a few happy clients had to say:

We look forward to working with you on your next BIG IDEA
Get in touch with us by either…
- Filling in the contact form
- Emailing us at
- Or Dm us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn
Chat soon
Bye for Now