How To Become “Unforgettable In Every Way” - 3 Copy Tips You Can Use Today!
You may have the experience…
You may have the passion…
You may have the determination…
But that doesn’t matter one bit…why?
Because it will still be exhausting, excruciatingly painful…and even downright dangerous…
To dance for more than 24 hours without stopping!
Yes, there’s an 18-year-old girl, Bandana Nepal, who danced for 126 hours (over 5 days), non-stop to set a new record for 'Longest Dancing Marathon by an Individual.
But…I can confidently say, without a doubt,
Most of us would not want to dance to Mambo No. 5 for 126 hours!
What has this got to do with sales copy?
How is it that some messages can make you feel like you’ve been reading for 5 days!
Have you ever read something from start to finish, and thought to yourself…wow!
That was completely boring.
”It started out great but then I just got tired the longer I read it”
Don’t get me wrong…longer copy isn’t always boring (remember the more you tell the more you sell).
I’ve seen boring 7-word tweets…And I’ve also read 25-page jaw-dropping power copy that kept me on the edge of my seat.
And I bought their books…immediately!
So what’re the 3 Tips To Keep Your Readers Hooked No Matter What You’re Selling?
Let’s find out...
Oh before I forget…these are only 3 of the many many techniques to discover,
But we’ve only got +/- 5mins so,
Read on…
1. What Does Your Copy Sound Like?
Life would be dull without music, don’t you agree?
Dick Clark once said, “Music is the soundtrack of your life.”
Your copy also plays a certain tune or has a certain “tone”…and should put your reader in a certain “mood.”
Sometimes people can use a threatening tone…cough* the insurance industry,
Or other times to create excitement such as the travel industry does.
The point is you have to decide what tone your message will deliver.
So what words create those tip-top tones you’re searching for?
It’s the injection of power and sensory words that gives your reader all the good…or bad feels.
Words like relax, explore, warning, cold are just a few examples…
However, not all power and sensory words are created equally…some are much much more powerful! Words like…
What music is your copy playing?
2. How To Become Unforgettable
What makes Hip-Hop one of the most successful music genres?
The Lyrics? The Beat? The Fashion?
Yes, all of the above…but I think it’s the way words combine with rhythm and flow that creates the magic.
Your copy can (and should) use the same technique. Your copy must have a smooth rhythm and flow when reading it.
Remember my earlier blog about K.Y.S.S.? (click here to check it out if you missed it)
Use short sentences and easy-to-understand words to connect easily connect with your reader.
And like every song that was ever written…the most important ingredient, the secret sauce to make your business ”Unforgettable in Every Way” is…
You must have a chorus…a repeated phrase or paragraph that’s used over and over and over again. Why?
So that your reader remembers what you’re selling!
3. Keep It Going
Whether you’re having a night out (or in),
you MUST have drinks!…Good hydration is key to keep it going!
Whether your guests prefer water, juice, or our favorite…iced-tea, it’s only polite to offer your guest a refreshing drink every now and then.
In your copy it’s no different…your reader will get tired, bored and also very very thirsty!
Do you want your guest to leave because there was nothing to drink? Absolutely not.
So how do you fix this potential sales killer?
Use Sub-Headings (or Sub-Heads) throughout your copy. Generously place them throughout your copy to quench your reader’s thirst to keep reading what you have to say.
In conclusion,
Powerful memories are created with the right mood and music, don’t you agree? So your sales message should do the same.
By using sensory/power words, short sentences with easy-to-understand words and sub-heads your business can be…
Unforgettable In Every Way.
Bye for Now.