Keep Your Reader Hooked With These Web Copy Tips - A Beginner’s Guide

Amazed reader

Every day we read tons of content on the web.
Some things are useful…and other things are helpful but,

What makes you stay on a website?
What makes you read all the way to the bottom?
What makes you buy?

In this post, we look at
The science behind writing web copy - Get your customer to Stay, Read, and Move to Action.

Let’s begin…


What’s Your Purpose?


If you’re selling a service…you might want your reader to fill a contact form.

If you’re selling a product…you might want to set up an online store.

If you’re selling a webinar…you might want your reader to signup with their email address.

It is important to remember that your website must have ONE main purpose. Be crystal clear on what you’re selling…Clarity is key.

However, you might also have a secondary purpose too, for example…

Your online store sells sneakers directly to your customer but, you might also want them to sign up for future promos, discounts, etc with their email address.

Just remember…
You still only have ONE purpose…to sell sneakers on your online store.


What’s Your Problem?


When you’re browsing the web, usually you have a question in your head, right?
For example…

Thought: ”I’m bored, I feel like watching a comedy…mmm what can I watch?”
Browser Search: Best comedies to watch in 2021


Thought: “I have a date tonight…mmm what can I cook?”
Browser Search: What romantic meals to cook on a first date?


Thought: “Hey, wait a minute, I’m all alone at home…mmm and really in the mood to…”
Browser Search: where can I donate my clothes.

You get the idea
You’re searching the web with a problem in your head…and you need a solution.

How would you apply this to your web copy?

Exactly how your reader would type it into their browser…then you answer the question, something like this…

“Are you looking for meal ideas to cook on your first date?

Why not try these recipes…
And maybe you’d also like to buy this to cut your cooking time in half…we’ll even throw in some scented candles.”

Do you think your reader will find your website useful?

Of course they will and, they might even buy what you’re selling…

Because you’ve solved their problem.


Make Every Word, Sentence, & Paragraph Count


The purpose of your headline is
to get your reader to read the first sentence of your web copy.

The purpose of your first sentence is
to get your reader to read the second sentence.

And the purpose of your second sentence is…to…Yup…get your reader to read the…third sentence.

And so on, and so forth.

If your reader stops reading…your web copy has failed.

There are a number of reasons why people will stop reading…maybe its long sentences, boring copy, lots of complicated words, etc

This is the last thing you want.

Reading a sentence that seems to go on and on and on without any proper syntax and you find yourself running out of oxygen even though you might be reading it in your cranium and you think to yourself come on when is this sentence going to end and why am I still reading this sentence because clearly the eccentricity of this author is inordinate.

The point is…

There are ways to make reading your web copy easier!


Here Are 10 Tips To Keep Your Reader Hooked:

Write the way you speak…keep your web copy conversational.

Use power and sensory words (see this post for more…)

Keep your sentences short12 words or less

Use simple wordsless than 3 syllables

Paragraphs should be…4 sentences or less.

Use plenty of attention-grabbing subheads.

Get To The Point…Don’t Waffle!

Use contrast…Make WORDS look DIFFERENT.

Use the word You…A lot!

Don’t be afraid to show your personality in your web copy…it’s the BEST way to connect with your target audience.

But Remember

These are just a few tips and should NOT be used as hard and fast rules…
So play with them and see what works for your reader.


The ONE Mistake MOST People Make When Writing Their Own Web Copy


Many Business Owners & Entrepreneurs focus on, their business and their brand rather than their target audience, when writing web copy.

For example

”Our business has been around since 1920 and, we’ve sold to millions of customers all over the world. That’s what makes us a trusted brand.”

Sure, showing credibility like this is important but, your focus must always be on your reader.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself…

- Who are you writing to?
- Who is going to buy from you?
- Is your website being useful to your reader?
- Is your website helpful to your reader?
- Does your website meet their desires or needs?

And also…
refer back to your “ideal customer” or “customer persona” template before
crafting your web copy. Remember the old adage…

If you’re selling to everybody…then you’re selling to nobody.


The Proof Is In The Pudding


How do you convince someone to taste your metaphoric pudding?
Especially if they have no idea who you are?

The answer lies in…social proofing your business. I’ll use an example to show you
the POWER of social proofing in action.

Imagine for a second…
I told you

”Hi, my business is the best in town, you must buy from me today.”
What’s your first thought?

Now picture this scenario…
Your best friend, family member, or even a complete stranger starts talking to you;

”Have you heard, Jason just opened a new business. I recently bought from him and it was an amazing experience. He delivered as promised and he was very professional.

You should really go and check out his business, you won’t be disappointed.”

What is your first thought now?
Are you more likely to buy from Jason?
And that is social proof in action!

What other people say about you is, infinitely more powerful, than what you say about yourself.

Use testimonials, reviews, case studies…these are all forms of
Social Proofing.

This shows your reader how you’ve helped others just like them and…that is how to get others to Eat the Pudding.


Address the “Elephant In The Room”


If a customer comes to you with a problem about your product or service, your ability to address that problem will be the difference between A sale or a fail.

There’s no difference when you're writing web copy but, what happens when you’re not physically in front of your customer?

What then?

You simply have to write it into your copy.

You want to buy a new smartphone from an online store. You see they’ve got some great deals but you’re not 100% sure.

What if you don’t like the phone …can you return it? Will you get your refund?

These are the same kind of general questions, your reader might have in their head.

So this is how you might address their objections

Imagine that you owned that online store, this is what you’d say…

”Buy our latest smartphones at ridiculously low prices today! But what if you buy one of our phones and completely hate it? What then?

No problem, try all smartphones for 30 days, and if you’re still not satisfied with your purchase simply send it back. We won’t ask any questions.

We’ll refund your money in full…the same day. That’s our guarantee!”

Are you likely to buy the phone now?
So don’t forget to address all objections, remove all risks and give a solid guarantee, you’ll make that sale in no time.

And guess what?
Your customer might even tell others about your offer…another win for social proofing!


The “So What” Test


As a Business Owner or Entrepreneur, you need to show your reader how their lives will improve after they’ve bought your product or service.

List all the features of your product or service…then turn each feature into a benefit.

How? By doing the “So What” test.
For example

”We sell white sneakers”

So What

”That lasts 10 times longers than normal trainers, twice as comfortable and only half the price.”

Why is it important to turn features into benefits?

It shows your reader how their lives will improve…after they’ve bought your product or service.


Write For Readers…Who Are In A Hurry


If your copy is long then use lots of subheads.

Readers scrolling quickly through your website can see what you’re selling, at a glance, with the RIGHT subheads.

There are really cool ways to
stop your reader dead in their tracks so, that they’re forced to read a certain section of your copy…how do you do this?

Through pattern interrupts and cliff hangers

A pattern interrupt is an idea, words, or phrases that go against what you would usually expect. For example

”How to NEVER pay taxes again…legally!”

And a cliffhanger is a technique where you leave your reader guessing what happens next.

This is often used in TV series, but it’s very effective in writing web copy,
like this famous headline by John Caples…

”They laughed when I sat down at the piano…but when I began to play”


ABC of Web Copy


You should put as many Call To Action (CTA) buttons/words/phrases into
your web copy (see our post on CTAs …for more)

Place them in strategic places in your web copy where you think your reader…after reading it…will want to buy immediately.

Remember…Always Be Closing!


Bonus Tip: Should You Care About SEO?


SEO or “search engine optimization.”
Is simply the process of improving your site to increase the chances of people finding you for relevant searches.

But should you really care about SEO?

Look, get a professional to do this if you’re not sure what to do…my advice is to first write for your target audience.

Create content that you enjoy writing and your audience enjoys reading before, tinkering with SEO.

I’ve lost count of how many blog posts, web copy, and articles I’ve read
that was completely horrible to read!

I couldn’t get past the third sentence because the author was more concerned about ranking their site.

Stick to content that is short, sweet, and to the point…while being helpful and useful, like us *cough cough.

Do we get penalized?

The take-home message here is this,

Be more helpful or useful to your reader…and…your reader will do the rest.

Bye for now.

Do you need us to create engaging web copy that moves your reader to action? Let’s chat today…

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