What These Fairytales Can Teach You About Selling…
Ok bear with me on this one, it’s a bit of a long shot, but I think fairytales have been influencing your buying behavior, sort of… Let me explain.
Have you ever wondered…
Why not The Two Musketeers?
Or just Goldilocks and One Bear?
How about The Ten Little Pigs?
I’m sure they’d still make great moral stories, but could there be a reason why these popular fairytales use the number 3?
Billions Spent On 3 Words
Children’s books love using what is known as “the concept of three”
It’s a very powerful storytelling technique.
Whether you’re reading a book, listening to music, or watching a movie, the purpose of storytelling is to take you on a journey of some sort.
This journey generally has three major parts (with a few complicated exceptions).
It must have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Yes, the story could start at any point…but there will generally be three parts.
So what has this got to do with copywriting?
Let’s see…Here are some famous slogans…
- Just Do it
- I’m Lovin It
- Finger Lickin Good
Do you see the pattern? Is this just a coincidence?
Nope, these companies spend billions on advertising research and
if they’re using three simple words then there’s a reason…
it works!
Contrast Is King In Selling
In copywriting, giving your reader three choices is a very powerful psychological technique in selling.
Think about it this way, if someone gave you one choice and said buy this one product…
Wouldn’t you be a little suspicious at first? Why are they giving me this and not something else?
Even if you’re only selling one product or service, comparing what you’re selling to other products or services in your industry makes for dramatic effect.
So something like…
This product will cost you thousands anywhere else…but here at ABC it’s Free! You won’t pay one cent.
You see…Contrast is king in selling!
Just remember not to bash your competitors…and don’t exaggerate your claims (it’s bad for business and your reputation)
Give Your Copy Super-Human Selling Powers
Research has shown that if you take three items, let’s say
Cheap item…Middle priced item…Expensive item.
Some will choose the cheap item, a few will choose the expensive item, but most consumers will choose the middle item when given three choices…there are many reasons for this,
But the take-home point is…“the concept of three”
Remember K.Y.S.S? (Keep Your Selling Simple)
Give your reader too many choices and you create either a feeling of confusion or a feeling of being overwhelmed.
Yes, sometimes businesses deliberately do this because they want you to buy stuff you don’t need (a whole topic on its own).
But for the purpose of this blog just remember…Combine K.Y.S.S with “the concept of three” and you’ll give your copy super-human selling powers.
So forget about your college advertising textbooks and head over to your local library or bookstore and pick up some fairytales…you’ll learn more.
Okay okay…before I get attacked by scores of people,
You can also buy fairytales online.
Bye for now
P.S. Next week: The most controversial argument in advertising for the past 100 years…and how long is the perfect road trip?